Database of Approved Washing and Cleaning Agents for Offset Printing

Database of Approved Washing and Cleaning Agents for Offset Printing

The industry initiative for the reduction of solvent emissions in offset printing is an industry-wide agreement which was concluded in 1995 between printing machinery and cleaning agents manufacturers and BG ETEM, in cooperation with the bvdm (German Printing and Media Industries Federation) and the trade union ver.di.

The product lists are intended to help the user select washing agents which are approved or recommended for the machines in question.

Printing Machines and Automatic Wash-up Systems

Here you’ll find lists of printing machines, automatic wash-up systems and their manufacturers. You can use manufacturers as well as their products to search for washing and cleaning agents that have been tested for material compatibility.

Printing Machines and Automatic Wash-up Systems - Read More…


Dr. Nadine Metz

printing and paper processing